Dragon Age: Blood Mage no seisen 2012

Animation Action Adventure Fantasy

In the land of Orlais, where battles are fought with swords and magic, a young heroine rises as templars, mages, and dragons clash. Cassandra, a brash and beautiful Seeker, must stop a conspiracy that threatens the realm's most powerful religious order, the Chantry of Andraste. Accused of treasonous crimes and hunted by friend and foe, Cassandra must clear her name an...

Alle Titel
  • ドラゴンエイジ ブラッドメイジの聖戦
  • EE: Draakoni ajastu Draakoni ajastu
  • DE: Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker
  • PT: Era do dragco: A aurora do seeker Era do dragco: A aurora do seeker
  • RU: Эпоха дракона: Рождение Искательницы Эпоха дракона: Рождение Искательницы
  • TR: Ejderha Cagi: Arayici'nin Yukselisi Ejderha Cagi: Arayici'nin Yukselisi
  • US: Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker
  • : Dragon Age Dragon Age
  • : Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker
  • FR: Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker
  • TR: Ejderha Çağı: Arayıcı'nın Yükselişi Ejderha Çağı: Arayıcı'nın Yükselişi
  • UA: Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker
  • US: Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker
Release 11 Feb 2012
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